Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's on your mind?

No long epistle here, just an invitation for you to start any conversation you want in regard to educational organizations and the people who inhabit them.  What hot topic is on your mind?


Leslie Atcher-Rathburn said...

Today what is on my mind is how much we have to do to keep those above us happy when very little of it seems to directly impact students. Between daily online incident reporting, classroom walkthroughs, daily meetings......I often feel a sense of frustration when I cannot get all of these things done. What is more troubling is that I often feel a sense of accomplishment when I do get these things done. When I stop and think about it...what have I really accomplished? Have I done anything that directly impacts children? Don't get me wrong, i understand the necessity of it all. Its just with so many things to do I often feel like we are not really staying focused on what really matters with teachers and kids.

Patti Cox said...

My biggest concern today is how to be all things to all people. It is very hard as an administrator to work tirelesly for the children of the county without neglecting your own. The old cobblers children have no shoes thing . . . I try to keep a balance and am fortunate in that I have a very supportive spouse, but there is still an amount of sacrifice on behalf of our families. I'm sitting here doing my homework while my son is dong his - it has its pro'ss in that it shows a strong work ethic, etc. but there are losses as well.

Kesha said...

What is on my mind today as I prepare to go back to school is that education is hard work. Tomorrow at school the students will not be in the right frame of mind (only Christmas on their mind) and neither will be some of the teachers. I can understand the burnout because not only are we teaching and providing instruction but we are also dealing with attitudes (teaching life lessons), handling moods, etc. As I think about tomorrow I have to prepare myself and not only teach but also deal with the other things. Other things plus politics plus 'stuff' can really wear out a person.

owlet said...

What's on my mind today is how do we make sure we impact every child in a meaningful way on a regular basis? I am amazed sometimes when I realize how much a little conversation means to a can make their day. When I get innundated with work, I tend to forget that is the time when I should stop and spend time with kids. It grounds me and is so important to them. IT's all about balancing the many things on the TO DO list with the important things.


Budget cuts! Last week DPI sent out information on what a 5% and 10% budget reductions might look like for next year.

There are going to have to be some tough decisions and frank conversations of the next 6 months