As most of you know, or some of you know, or maybe at least one of you has heard a rumor that the Reich College of Education at Appalachian State University is founded in a constructivist model of education. To be honest, this was one of the draws to AppState for me. I like the fact that students, especially graduate students' education is built upon the knowledge and experience that they already have as well as learning with, and from, other students and their professors. This dispels the professor as fountain of knowledge format that is so often found in higher education. I honestly say to you that I learn from you every time we are together, and that I take great delight in watching you learn from each other.
Also, as most of you know, I enjoy exploring the avaunt guard aspects of education. I think that education should be fun when possible and smothered with creativity when possible. Furthermore I think this should be very possible in most aspects of graduate school. I want students to think, not regurgitate facts that they have been fed. So, it is with that introduction that I am introducing this new assignment. Some of you will no doubt think I have lost my mind, but hey, you are too late, I lost it long ago probably during my second superintendency or one of the rock bands I played in.
However, I digress, and as you all know by this time, I can digress with the best of them. So, with that long winded introduction let me introduce this latest academic challenge to you. I have long wanted to try this, but I have never felt that I had the right ensemble of students to work it with, I think that at this time I do. It is up to you to prove me right, and dad gum it (an old WV saying) you'd better.
In a way it is perfect in that we will be drawing from the minds and experience from three cohorts separated by geography, but joined in common spirit and sense of purpose. All three groups are also academically talented, creative, while bringing to the table different experiences and backgrounds.
This assignment could fall flat, or it could be something that catches on and is enjoyed by the vast majority of you. Only time will tell. Some of you have told me that you are not creative, and I do not accept that as being true. You may not believe you are creative, but each of us create every day.
So, just relax, and enjoy this even if you do not participate in it to a significant degree. In order to be a part of this assignment you will have to read every post and respond at least once.
What I propose we do is to write a fictitious novel about schools and school administration. Never before in the history of mankind (doesn't this sound exciting already?) has a novel had so many authors. There will be about fifty of us. Yes, it sounds to good to be true I know, and it may talking a walk on the weird side of Academic Avenue, but humor me. Remember, it is me that gives your grade.....yeah, I know, it is beginning to sound like a good idea now, huh? :)
What do I want us to gain from this? Well, to have fun, but most of all to make you think. If this goes anywhere close to how I want it to go we will introduce many concepts to be considered and many problems to be solved. This should make you think as you introduce, as well as solve problems that we create for our characters.
Here's how it works. First, we have to create an initial set of characters for our story. So, it is very important that you remember those words of wisdom that every work of fiction has posted as a disclaimer......all similarities to anyone living or dead is purely circumstantial.....sure, we will base stuff on real people and events, but please, please, please, do not use this as a means to slander anyone in anyway. For example.....our social studies teacher was a little guy with a red beard and strawberry blond curly hair who loved coffee and mountain dew and could never stand still as he taught and his name was Hal Moffit, and he was weird and made his students do things that upset them as well as the school's administrators.......OK? If you use the little red haired people of the world that have beards, at least mask it, unless of course they become the superhero loved by all. But, the fact is we learn from both good and bad examples, and they will surely make their way into this work.
Our story will have three schools (to keep it manageable and give everyone a reference point). A high school, a middle school and an elementary school. Regardless of your leaning and position you can write in regard to any of them.
Rules about posting: When you post, you have to keep it short. Usually one paragraph, or one brief segment such as a short dialogue. Then let the next person have a shot. Always build upon what it said in that last post. If you want the story line to take a particular twist you will have to pay attention and work it, but only one post at a time.
Second rule, you cannot post two consecutive posts. You have to let someone else post in response to yours.
Try to use decent grammar, but don't get tore up if you post something that is not 100 percent correct. Pay attention to the story as a whole, and interject problems into the story that others will work to solve. You can use slang that students, or people in your community use.
Work to create and solve problems presented through the characters we create. If you need, create another character. Do not worry about bringing closure to each problem before moving on, just like life. And feel free to bring problems back into being that were left unsolved, or if they were solved, they could be reintroduced with a new wrinkle or twist.
Do not be afraid to introduce sensitive issues, because we deal with sensitive issues. Issues of sexual content need not be graphic, but we deal with them in these jobs, do we not? Teachers have affairs, kids have sex, etc. It is a fact of our jobs, and not to deal with them is a form of vanilla that is just not real.
The same is true with racial content, drug content, poverty, abuse of different kinds, etc. I am not wanting this to be porn and/or gore, but I want it to be real. If you never deal with these issues then you are either lucky or just unaware. Do not sensationalize it, but be real, and sometimes it is an honest fact that truth is stranger than fiction.
So, to get us started I think we minimally need the following characters: principals, assistant principals, a bunch of teachers, some coaches, secretaries, custodians, cooks, SROs, bus drivers, students, parents, a superintendent, others from the central office, maybe a business leader or two and anybody else I have left off this list that you want to created.
As we create these characters we can also be developing the story line. After writing this I will start the story. Then it is your turn.
I have no way of knowing how this will go, but let's just see. Do not hesitate to participate, and remember that I want every one of you to post at least once, and I am hoping that you get carried away and become a regular contributor. Check in often and read what is going on in the story.
We may need to modify it, and 3 schools may be hard to keep up with. Maybe we should have two, but in my experience systems have these three kinds of schools, and each of us can identify with at least one of them.
Do not get upset if someone takes a character you created and moves him/her in a way that you had not envisioned. We all have global ownership here, but none of us have specific ownership to any aspect of the story.
Sound weird? Good. Sound goofy? Even better. Sound fun? I hope. Careful or you may even find yourself thinking.
Remember the works of Ralph Waldo Spacier, who said...."Together we all stand divided, and divided we all stand falling together".
For those of you with your mouth open going....Oh My Gosh, I can't believe I paid for this class, I will be posting more left brained kinds of blogs too. But for the time being, message that right temporal lobe and lets get started.
Ready kids?
Further Up the Down Staircase
A novel for our time
Avery Juan Ofus
Chapter One: Rainy Days and Mondays always get me
It was a normal Monday morning. Well, as normal as Monday mornings go when you work at Owlberg Middle School. School secretary, Mrs. C.J. McTiny, a middle aged women pleasant in looks and careful about her appearence, and most of the time pleasant in nature looked troubled as she hung up the phone. She turned to Auther Tinsdale, one of the seventh grade language arts teachers checking his mail during the early morning hustle and bustle of the office. As she walked from behind her desk she whispered to Mr. Tinsdale "Mr. Overton is not going to like this one little bit. He had a bad week last week, and I had hoped it was all getting better, but this won't help." Mr. Tinsdale, being somewhat smug in his lack of sympathy for administrators in general, and Mr. Overton in particular replied "Why, is it something that may pry him away from the swimsuit issue of Sport's Illustrated and no model left behind?" As he laughed to himself proud of his Monday morning sarcasm Mrs. McTiny gave him a look usually reserved for eight graders who mumble 'I dunno' to any question they are asked. She was not sure why she had mentioned anything at all to 'Art the Tart' as she so often thought of Mr. Tinsdale, but had never verbalized to anyone. Pushing past him she headed for Mr. Overton's office knocking on his opened door. "Excuse me, Bob. I just received a call you need to be aware of."
Bob, looking up from the report he was working on smiled and replied "Sure, C.J., come in." The smile was to be short lived. He took another sip of his coffee that put the cup back down on the most recent issue of Sport's Illustrated that he was using for a coaster. Mrs. McTiny closed the door and sat down wondering how to tell her boss the news she had just been given.
It had been raining all night and most of the early morning. But, Mr. Overton could have sworn that the heavens opened up the flood gates and unleashed the fury of Noah with a thousand buckets of water the instant he heard those gut wrenching words that have sent many a principal running for the storage closet. "The Central Office called. Superintendent Powell is on the way to see you," Mrs. McTiny whispered. Lightening flashed and the thunder rolled...
"Good Lord, why today of all days? Do you have any idea what Superintendent Powell wants this time?" Mr. Overton asked Mrs. McTiny trying not to appear agitated with her. "Is it because of the incident last week? I am sick of rehashing that. If they wanted me to handle it in a different way, why didn't they just come out and tell me up front? I did the best I could and it is not like I let this sneak up on them" Overton said as he felt his heart beating a bit faster and his face flush just a bit. “Why didn’t they teach me how to handle this kind of crap in my classes instead of all that theory BS?” the first year principal thought to himself as he turned away from Mrs. McTiny and looked out the window as his coffee slowly begin to cool.
Art strolled into the teacher's lounge like the cat that swallowed the canary. "Guess who is in trouble now?" The other teachers busy trying to get ready for the start of the day looked up. "Mrs. McTiny got a call and I think our illustrous leader might finally be in hot water!" Art joyfully stated.
Within minutes the whole school was a buzz about the vastly aproaching visitor from the upper realms of the central office. As everyone knows the teachers lounge is a breeding ground for gossip and today it had been kicked into overdrive. Miss Tell, being the "queen bee" of the lounge had the inside scoop on what Superintendent Powell was comming for. She had known about the goings on leading up to the big incident and was curious to see how this was all going to unfold.
Mr. Powell felt the rain pelting on the back of his suit jacket as he ambled somberly towards the entrance of the middle school. He knew that this was not going to be an easy conversation, but he wanted to be sure that he saw the full spectrum of the situation. "Why am I doing this, he thought. What message am I sending to Al by questioning his decision on this matter?"
But this issue had to be addressed. Even though Mr.Overton had was a good principal at a well regarded school and their EOC scores were meeting AYP, this time he had gone too far. Mr Powell gathered himself and his thoughts as he approached the front door. As he was about to enter the front office, he mumbled to himself "I feel like Elvis. It's now or never."
As Superintendent Powell entered the office, Al Overton's mouth went as dry as the Sahara.
"How are you, Al?" Cal Powell greeted him.
"Great and you?" Al replied, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt.
"Well, I'd feel better if I didn't have to be here dealing with this kind of issue. But you know with all the parents calling and complaining about that suggestive routine your cheerleaders did Friday night, I just can't ignore this one, Al. I think we better get Ms. Chipper, the cheerleading coach, up here now and get to the bottom of this."
While waiting for Ms. Chipper to come down to discuss the incident on Friday night, Mr. Powellspoke to Al. "Listen Al, I want students to get fired up as much as anyone but this went way too far. I mean, what does school spirit mean anymore? When we were in school , if you were full of school spirit you had been drinking out behind the football stadium during the game. Now, with this new dance thing, I don't know what is acceptable and what is obscene. The Reverand Olson, who was at the game, said he felt like he needed a pocket full of $1 bills during the performance. Al, what happened? Didn't anyone preview the routine before hand?" Just then Ms. Chipper knocked on the door.
"Ms. McTiny said you need to see me", Ms. Chipper said as she entered the office. "Yes" said Principal Overton, "please have a seat." As she walked in and sat down the small lump in her throat nearly choked her as she noticed Superintendant Powell sitting just behind the table lamp.
Ms. Chipper was young, single and only in her second year of teaching. She loved being around the kids and they seemed to respond to her. She understood their "teen-speak" better than any of the other teachers and the kids liked talking to her because of it. She had agreed to serve as the cheerleading sponsor because she had fewer obligations after school than most teachers and she had been a cheerleader in high school and a member of the dance team in college.
Her mind raced as she looked at Mr. Overton and Mr. Powell, "Oh no, what have I done now?" she thought to herself.
Principal Overton said, "Ms. Chipper, it is my understanding that we now have four boys on the cheerleading squad." Ms. Chipper shook her head in agreement. "And, this past Friday night's half-time show was quite different from that last home game." Chipper nodded. "Ms. Chipper, could you please describe this past Friday night's half-time dance routine for me and the Superintendent? And how was this routine different from the last home game half-time routine that I saw?"
"Well", said Ms.Chipper, We tried to really get all the students involved in our dance. We changed the music the band played to fit our new more progressive dance steps. We also decided with this new routine we needed strength, so we recruited those fine young men you saw Friday night. Is there a problem?
Once upon a time, in a far away land there was...OH...sorry ..wrong story :P
Principal Overton sat back in his chair waiting for Superintendent Powell to respond to the Ms. Chipper's question. Afterall he was the one who continued to pursue the issue. It was as if he had a personal issue with the new young teacher dating Mr. Hammer from Getum Ready Elementary. It had only been two weeks since the Superintendent had discovered this news at a previous principal's meeting.
"That is a huge understatement Ms. Chipper. Public knowledge of relationships that are considered unacceptable in our community are more than problems! You only compound the problem with the attention you bring to the cheerleading squad!" The silence in the room was deafening after the superintendent spoke.
Pardon me Superintendent Powell, but what is unacceptable about my relationship with Mr. Hammer? We are not involved in an illicit affair like some administrators I could mention. In fact, I have heard and seen things that could set this county on its ear.
Principal Overton decided this might be a good time to speak up since he knew that there was a possibility that he could be named if the conversation continued.
"Ms. Chipper, Superintendent Powell is here to discuss the music you chose to use for Friday night's event. We really appreciate every effort you and your squad put into this routine. However, based on the recent controversy from the provocative moves and your choice of music the local newspaper has decided to publish an outlandish article entitled...
"Should Our Area Sports Teams Be Aloud to Score at Halftime?"
OOPS! ALLOWED..Did I say that aloud?
Superintendent Powell gathered his thoughts and addressed Ms.Chipper about the halftime show. "Ms. Chipper, you have no idea how much the phone has been ringing off the hook at Central Office. I am being bombarded with e-mails from parents that were in attendance about the sexual nature of the dance.One parent wrote in and said the song you chose "Save a horse , ride a cowgirl" made him feel like he was at a rodeo because your boys looked like they were trying to hang on for 8 seconds and win a gold buckle. Ms. Chipper, may I remind you we are a house of education and learning but now the media is portraying us as a house of ill repute. I expect a full apology to parents from both schools that were attendance, and Al,I expect your or someone from your staff to judge from here on out the suggestive nature of the routines that are to be performed. Anymore of this kind of publicity and the team will be disbanded and your jobs will be re-evaluated. There will be some serious PR work to repair the damage it has done within the community. Do I make myself clear to both of you? Now for the other issue concerning you and Mr. Hammer...
Just then Mrs. McTiny screamed. Mr. Overton ran out his office door. Billy, an eighth grade student, was standing there - bleeding from a cut below his eye. "It's a big fight Mr. Overton! Mr. Tinsdale and Mrs. Jones are trying to break it up." Mr. Overton and Superintendent Powell raced down the hall. Mrs. McTiny and Ms. Chipper began to help Billy. "What started this fight?", asked Mrs. McTiny. "Miguel called one of the cheerleaders a whore and..
...and her boyfriend pushed him and two of the football players jumped him. I was behind Miguel and got knocked into the lockers and hit my head," said Billy. "Are your sure that Miguel said that?" asked Mrs. McTiny. "Yeah I'm sure. He said it in Spanish and to be honest, the 'bad' words are the only words I remember learning from Spanish class", Billy stated with a rye grin, now holding a wet towel on his forehead.
Just then Mr. Overton, Superintendent Powell, and the School Resource Officer, Lance Manly, returned to the office, each dragging three burly boys with numerous bumps and bruises behind them.
"See what you stirred up!" Mr. Overton growled at Ms. Chipper who had come out of his office to see what was going on. Her face paled as she began to fear the loss of her job.
"Now I'll be forced to suspend two of our best players right before the big game," he added in an irritated tone."Can this situation get any worse?"
You bet!! Because here comes helpful Art. "Is there anything I can do to help you gentlemen with this situation?" As Art was there preening for Mr. Overton and Superintendent Powell he offered his questionable assistance. Ms. Chipper could just see her job going down the tubes. Art had been working diligently to undermine her for months so that the path would be free for his "friend," Ms. Glamour-Lass, to take the reins as cheerleading coach.
As the boys, sporting their bumps and bruises, sat slumped in the lobby chairs nervously awaiting the arrival of their parents, Mr. Overton thanked Art for his help and quietly reminded him his class started five minutes ago. Mr Powell, observing the mayhem, blurted, “I have a meeting at the Central Office. I'll be back this afternoon to finish our conversation." He was out the door before he was finished. On the way out the door he passed Mrs. Grimm, Billy's mom. She was already upset because she had to leave work early, took one look at her son sitting next to Miguel and snapped. She rushed over to Miguel pointed her finger in his face and shouted, "YOU! You are always getting Billy in trouble and if this school isn't going to handle it then I will"
Before Mr. Overton could ask Mrs. Grimm, "How may I help you?" Mrs. Grimm had pulled her cell phone out of her purse and called the local newspaper. She began her conversation with the receptionist with "I believe there is some interesting news you may be interested in here at Owlberg Middle School." "Not only do they have the most revealing half-time performances, now the students are fighting each other over it." "I believe this would be an interesting follow-up to your first story." "A reporter can meet me in the office.
Before long the school was abuzz with parents and news media. The lead reporter from The Owlville Times was on hand to interview parents. Ima Contra-Versy from Channel 9 News arrived in the satellite truck and was preparing to do a live lead report on the 5 o'clock news. As Superintendent Powell returned to the school and saw the chaos his first thought was: I've got to find a scapegoat, and fast.
Meanwhile, Mr. Overton and Mr. Butts, the AP,were discussing discipline strategies when Mrs. McTiny interrupted with yet another grim announcement.
"Mr. Overton, you have a phone call."
"Not now!" barked Mr. Overton.
"But it's Mr. Lombardi and he says it is very important."
Mr. Overton dropped his head to his hands and got up to return to his office to take the call.
"Good morning Vince. What can I do for you?"
Mr. Lombardi, a school board member and parent of one of the football players got right to the point...
"Let me make this short and sweet! Mr. Pigskin, AJ's father has brought it to my attention that your Ms. Chipper has been recognized by his son in the 2005 Laylow Magazine. I am not sure if you are familiar with Laylow, but he brought a copy for you to see." Mr. Overton looked at the magazine in dismay. On page 32, there was an explicit picture of Ms. Chipper with pom-poms in her hands. However, it appeared that she had forgotten to put on her uniform. If it weren't for the megaphone sitting on the chair in front of her, all would have been revealed. He knew if the media caught wind of this, he would have to leave the system to regain support and integrity. He handed the magazine back to Mr. Lombardi. He wanted to make certain it did not go back into the hands of the father.
Mr. Lombardi spoke up instantly, "You do something about this cheerleading coach or I will speak with our Superintendent about doing something with you. This situation will not be over until someone pays. I don't care who it is. But be assured it will be someone! This is becoming a mockery. Now I suggest you take care of this situtation within the next 30 minutes. Speak with Ms. Lady Lust AKA Ms. Chipper, release her of her duties or I release you. Have I made myself clear?"
Mr. Overton thought, "could this all really be happening?" After referring to the board policy 4.10.1- "The responsibility to teach and the freedom to learn, and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all are essential to the achievement of these principles. The professional educator acknowledges the worth and dignity of every person and demonstrates the pursuit of truth and devotion to excellence, acquires knowledge, and nurtures democratic citizenship. The educator exemplifies a commitment to the teaching and learning processes with accountability to the students, maintains professional growth, exercises professional judgment, and personifies integrity. The educator strives to maintain the respect and confidence of colleagues, students, parents and legal guardians, and the community, and to serve as an appropriate role model." he was ready to face Ms. Chipper. Overton had made up his mind, Ms. Chipper would have to accept that she would be suspended from her job while a formal investigation was initiated by the Board of Education. Before presenting this option to Ms. Chipper he verified this decision with the school board attorney Ms. Lawful.
In his office, Mr. Overton sat quite still with a dumbfounded look on his face. He thought...Is this a dream? This is way too crazy...too obsurd for the small town of Owlville, WV. No one would believe this story. I don't think I could sell the story to National Enquirer. Well, I guess I should call the Superintendent Powell to inform him of the latest news about Ms. Chipper AKA Ms. Lady Lust and the step that I took to call Ms. Lawful to varify my next step. I should get instructions from the Superintendent on my next step. Maybe he'll just take over this one. This is a real mess and I don't want to any mistakes. I really like my job. I'm 2 years away from retirement. I long for the late '80s. Now, those we're good kids.
With his shaky hand, he picked up his office phone not his NEXTEL(because this NEXTEL thing was way to difficult to figure out how to use. It is all I can do to answer the %$#@ thing) to dialed the superintendent.
Mr. Overton couldn't help but chuckle when he heard the twang of Toby Keith's, "Shoulda Been a Cowboy" echoing over his office Sparkomatic. He remembered his younger days when he dreamed of working with animals and living the Wild West lifestyle. He harkened back to the days when he won the counties' pretty pet contest with his Ping-Pong playing Parrot named Yao, his pet hamster Liberace'(sp?) who pounded on a toy piano with his nose, and his pair of love birds, John and Yoko, that would chirp "Strawberry Fields Forever" in unison. Who would've ever thought he would be the ringmaster for a Jerry Springer type situation like this!! The newspaper headlines from this episode wouldn't look very nice in the scrapbook beside his animal training exploits. He had to admit that this would be an interesting incident to put in his memoirs after he leaves education. As a matter of fact, he thought, that just may be what I do!!!
Ms. Chipper opened the door to the office like she opened the door to a crypt. She knew, as ever teacher does, you are not called to the office to be informed of a winning lottery ticket. Further she had heard the news of the picture in the magizine. Mr Overton could not look Ms Chipper in the face or anywhere else for that matter as the pictures in his mind were as vivid as the realization of the mess at the school. "You wanted to see me" Ms Chipper asked? Mr Overton thought I have all ready seen too much of you, however it was a good picture. Her beauty was overwhelming almost to the point of intoxicating, but he had a job to do. "Ms Chipper it has come to my attention that you were featured in a publication that was very flattering but highly sensitive subject matter." Ms Chipper broke down and started crying. Mr Overton felt the man inside him want to comfort her in her time of needd.
As the tears began to subside, her mind raced so quickly that the words Mr. Overton spoke sounded muffled to her, as if he was in a box. She heard something about dignity, and moral turpitude when a light went on. No, not in the office but in her head. She knew about Mr. Overton's escapades with female staff members and thought that this might be the only card she had left to play. "If I go out, it won't be without a fight and he's going out with me" she thought. Besides, she knew the last teacher he had an affair with, Mrs. Swingerton, was still really steamed at him about how some things were handled that lead to her leaving the school. Ms, Chipper thought, "she might be willing to help me with this, just to get back at him." When Mr. Overton said, is there anything you would like to say, she calmly looked up and in a surprisingly calm voice said, "Well, there is one thing."
"You know I just moved into my new house and I have the most wonderful neighbor." Mr. Overton with a puzzled look replied, "Did you just hear what I was saying to you?" "Yes", replied Ms. Chipper,"let me get to the point... my new best friend & workout partner at the Y is Shirley. You might know her, Shirley Swingerton." As Ms. Chipper leaned close into Mr. Oveton's face, she raised one eyebrow and said, "Ring any bells."
"Ring any bells?" he thought as the name, Shirley Swingerton, pinballed through his head. His mind drifted back to the horriffic argument that had occurred less than six months ago, ending a year long affair with the then, very much married, Ms. Swingerton. The memory of her parting words, "You'll pay for this. I don't know how or when, but you'll pay, and pay dearly!" cut deeply as it sent a sharp, pulsating pain through his head and a shiver down his spine. Beads of sweat covered his forehead as he cleared his throat and said...
You know Mrs. Chipper, you have always been one of my favorite teachers here at Owl Middle. With this in mind, I want to do everything within my power to help you save your job. If you and I work together, I have all of the confidence in the world that we can make it happen. Have you paid your NCAE dues? I would like to suggest that the first thing you do is make a phone call. Let me check my hasn't been that long since I had to call them myself...
As Ms. Chipper watched the beads of sweat become trickles down Mr. Overton's temples, she tried to keep her voice from quivering. "I have never joined NCAE, Mr. Overton. With all the student loans I am still paying, I have not been able to afford those dues. Besides, I am a good teacher with the best interest of my students at heart. I do not need nor will I ever need the so-called "protective services" of NCAE." Mr. Overton looked up into the eyes of Ms. Chipper and thought,"Thank goodness those daggers coming out of her eyes are not real! Of course we all have to die some time by some means." Before Mr. Overton could respond to Ms. Chipper's declaration about NCAE there came yet another knock on his door...
Superintendent Powell entered the room with the magazine of Ms. Chipper. Mr. Powell with the magazine in his fist sat down and demanded that something must be done. Powell had already been bombarded with questions from the media. He was doing the best he could to reassure the community that the matter was being taken care of. However, Mr. Overton knew that his job was on the line and he needed to let Ms. Chipper go. Mr. Powell commented that something must be done and that if Mr. Overton did not take care of the matter that…..
Mr. Powell will get rid of Mr. Overton faster than a teacher's bathroom break. Mr. Overton is now at the crossroads for an incident he thought was long forgotten, his affair. But like any sin until you redeem your actions with god the action will eat away at you. Even if Al is not a religious man he needs to come to terms with his past if he is going to live a pure future. Al realizes this but he is still waying out his rationalizations and one he is about to tell one of these to Mr. Powell...
"Mr. Powell, don't do anything rash," Mr. Overton said sheepishly. "I think there is something you should know before we go any further." The superintendent,now at his wits end, lashed back, "What is it now, Overton?" Quickly gathering his thoughts,(fully realizing that his own job could end up on the line), Mr. Overton spoke with unabashed determination. "Mr. Powell, do you recall the evening we spent with two young ladies, LaVerne Lowhan and Shirley Swingerton, while at the Educational Leaders Conference in Charlotte last summer,?" "Of course, I remember, Al. That was a night I could hardly forget, but what in the world does that have to do with the issue facing us now?".......
Well that night me and Mrs. Swingerton started our affair which has ended but obviously not without consequeces as you are probably going to ask me to step down? The superintendent replies...
Mr.Powell is completely caught off guard and responds in absolute shock, "an affair!? Have you not learned anything about developing personal relationships with members of your professional environment?" Mr. Overton begins to beat himself up inside rehashing the events with Mrs. Swingerton in his mind. Mr.Powell looks at him with true concern, confusion, and disgust as he says, "this is definitely the icing on the cake, Al. Let me inform you of what is going to happen next."
"In light of your confession, I am now faced with the decision of what to do with you. You have put me in a very difficult position and it appears that both you and Ms.Chipper may be leaving the system soon."
I want both of you to take the rest of the day off. Al, I am placing you and Ms Chipper on leave with pay, until we can get this situation resolved. Superintendent Powell was considering several options. He could place a letter of reprimand in the personnel files of Mr. Overton and Ms Chipper; he could recommend a short suspension without pay; he could reassign both staff to other schools within the county; or he could recommend to the Board of Education that both of them be dismissed immediately. This was the first time Superintendent Powell had been forced to deal with a situation of this nature. He consulted with the school’s attorney, Ms. Lawful. Ultimately, he decided to…….
make plans to conduct a summer time workshop seminar. The topic of which would be teacher dismissal. Knowing full well this would take the better part of the three day summer retreat for administrators, he decided to gather his research. He knew that his county has had a history of not dismissing folks but wanted to appear stonger than....
"Mrs. McTiny, why is that I cannot ever finish a cup of coffee before someone decides to toy with me...especially on a Monday?" I am not sure sir, but why don't you ask the Superintendent and the school board chairman when they arrive? "I bet you are proud of yourself at this moment, aren't you Mrs. McTiny...
Mrs. McTiny, hope you are well today Superintendent Powell stated. We need to talk, and I know how you hate being interrupted on Monday mornings, but this can't wait. They proceed to Mr Overton's office. The door shuts slowly as Mrs. McTiny notices the grim look on Powell's face. Mrs. McTiny, "I don't know how to say this but.............
It became very quiet. One of those awkward moments when a minute lasts an hour. Thought ran through both their heads about other places they would rather be. Both felt a sense of guilt and embarrassment for things they had not yet said or done. It was times like this when people really begin to question the whys of thier life. Did I go into this profession for this?
Just then, the fire alarm sounded. Everyone scrambled to their usual emergency exit positions. "Talk about being saved by the bell" thought Al. "Maybe I could take family medical leave for a nervous breakdown, or depression. There has to be a way out this hell hole" he thought. "Drills over", shouted Coach Greenturf, "False alarm. Kids messin around with the exit door in the weight room. I chased them off but not before I found one of the cheerleader's double d undergarments hanging from one of the weight benches. Seems suspicious to me. Especially when...
Back in Mr. Overton's office, Superintendent Powell and Mrs. McTiny blushed. "Did we just ignore a fire drill?" asked Superintendent Powell. He continued, "Well, as I was saying, before we were interrupted...I have something you....and this in not going to be easy.....for me.." Just then, a knock interrupted an already uncomfortable moment...
The secretary peeped in the door and told Superintendent Powell that he had a phone call on line 1. Superintendent Powell asked could she take a message but the secretary insited that he comes to the phone right away. Mr. Overton thought "what on earth is going on now?"
Before Mr. Powell answered the knock at the door he had to say what was on his mind to Mrs. McTiny. Powell tell her that no matter what the outcome of this situation, he would always have a soft spot in his heart for her. "You see Mrs. McTiny, I have very strong feelings for you". Just before Mrs. McTiny can answer, the door opens and Mr. McTiny the wrestling coach enters the room. He just caught the last part of their conversation and.....
before anyone knew what was happening, Mr. McTiny lept across the room and tackled Superintendent Powell. Mrs. McTiny let out a scream that turned the heads of everyone in the front office area. Mr. Powell reached for the walkie talkie on the desk to use as a defense mechanism. Meanwhile, Mr. McTiny continued abusing Mr. Powell with all the latest moves he'd read about in the latest wrestling magazines.
SRO Tim Tufferton asked Mr. McTiny to step away from Superintendant Powell. He immediately handcuffed Mr. McTiny and charged him with assault against Superintendant Powell. As Officer Tufferton was taking Mr. McTiny out to the patrol car, Mrs. McTiny burst out into rage screaming, "Dr. Powell sexually harassed me and my husband was defending me. I am suing the Owlshouse School District and Owlshouse County police department. This is not the last you will hear from me."
Mr. Powell had a smirk look on his face as the SRO took Mr. McTiny away to the car. Mrs. McTiny turned to her husband and tried to play off the whole scene that he saw as harrassment. Mr. Powell walked out of the office to the looks of many others who were eavesdropping....
"Could this day possibly get any worse?" Mr. Overton wondered. His mind was spinning, hie thought, "It must be a full moon!! What in the world should I do now - I don't even know which issue to tackle first." As his mind raced with what to do next, there was yet another knock on his door...
Pausing before he opened the door, Mr. Overton was struck with the perfect solution to the problem----amnesia. He would pretend that he could not remember a thing, even who he was, much less what he did or others did. Mr. Overton collected himself and plastered the most dumbfounded look he could muster on his face. To set the scene, he laid down on the floor in a crumpled heap. The knocking continued until the door was flung open, banging loudly it hit the wall. Mr. Overton kept his eyes closed. He could sense someone bending over him and felt the hot breath of...
...LaVerne Lowhan. "Hi Al. It's been a while since we last saw one another in Charlotte. I've been waiting for the right moment to come tell you this, and I think now is it." Mr. Overton was in shock...this could not possibly be happening NOW. "So", she began...
"How's your day going? And why on earth are you all slumped over down there on the floor? Here, let me help you up." Rather abruptly, Laverne, who was an extremely strong woman, yanked Al off the floor and pointed him toward his desk. Al plopped into his oversized, administrator's chair like a sick jellyfish. Oblivious to Al's forlorn state, Laverne, continued cheerfully, "So, Al, sweetie, can you follow through on that deal we made in Charlotte...Remember, you were going to help me get a job in your county. By the way, how's that cute superintendent?"
LaVerne, now is really not a good time. I am not in a position to help you receive a job in my county right now. Please check our website and see if there is anything listed that you may be interested in an apply at our Administrative Offices. Have a good day.
Al escorts her out of the office before she has a chance to comment...
But I thought I meant something to you Laverne playfully stated. Another affair has come back to haunt him though it seemed perfectly innocent at the time. Laverne stepped closer and.....
In the meantime in a galaxy far, far away Mrs. Nettie Nosebottom, administrative assistant to the school district's legal firm just got wind of an impending lawsuit filed by the lawyer of a former teacher. The lawsuit alledged that Mr. Orange Leaferman was illegally dismissed and that Owl Middle School and Mr. Robert Overton were named as defendants in the lawsuit. Mrs. Nosebottom felt it was her civic duty to inform Mrs. McTiny being that they attended the same church and although she was an outsider who married into the community, Mrs. McTiny had shown herself to be one of them when it mattered the most during the past 20 years.
Mrs. Nosebottom anxiously awaited 12:15 to begin her lunch break. As she walked out of the office, her fingers itched to dial the numbers on her cell phone to warn Mrs. McTiny about what was coming her way. Before his dismissal Mr. Leaferman was a much loved coach and favorite PE teacher. There were event protests by the parents of students he coached when he left without a word after his termination at the final board meeting of the school year. She had to fill Mrs. McTiny in on the facts since this occurred before Mrs. McTiny's move to the middle school. She jumped in her car and drove out of the parking lot with the phone pressed to her ear...
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