There can be little doubt that education is being restructured by the advent of emerging technologies. It can be argued that this is not new, and that technology has always restructured the way humans educate themselves.
Yet it can also be argued that there is something fundamentally different between the introduction of the printing press and the Internet. It is a given that the printing press is not the only technological advance before to alter education, but it clearly is an example of a technological advance that eventually completely restructured the way we teach and learn. It is also clear that education is altered by recent technological advances other then the Internet, such as computers that are not attached to the Internet.
Regardless this blog is designed to capture the student’s perspective in regard to on online teaching and learning. It seems that often the students’ perspective has not been fully included as models of online learning are implemented.
So, it is the purpose of this blog to offer students an opportunity to offer their thoughts regarding this topic. It is also hoped that this blog will lend itself to participants responding to what others say in regard to educational offerings that are at least partially offered online.
While it is clear that this blog can be viewed by anyone who finds there way to the site it is still a goal that students will feel a sense of freedom to offer their comments without fear of any kind of retribution. This is to say that I hope that you will speak openingly and honestly rather than trying to write what you feel others (primarily professors) want to read.
While anything relevant to online learning can be discussed it is specifically hoped that students will help identify the primary concepts of online learning as it relates to them. This is a wide range of considerations such as what makes up the necessary components of online work? What are your personal opinions of online work versus face to face work? What are the most important attributes for both student and instructors to have when working online? Should students be required by the University to have specific equipment, connections, etc in order to take classes online.
These are suggestions, not absolutes. Please think and respond as to any topics you feel are relevant and should be considered when taking/teaching online.
This blog seeks a health session of asynchronous brainstorming, not definitive answers to this new educational science. Tag, you’re it.